Wash the beets under cool water, trim, peel and cut in 2" pieces.
Combine all the ingredients in a vacuum seal bag and seal. Make sure the beets are in a single layer in the bag to ensure even cooking. **use a freezer bag if using the water displacement method.
Cook for 3 hours in the water bath.
Remove and place in a ice bath for 15 minutes.
Remove beets from bag, slice and serve drizzled with the juice from the bag.
Great served in a salad of beet green with goat cheese, hazelnuts and a balsamic vinaigrette.
Save the beet greens to use in a salad. Tri off the tough stems and use the leaves for the best results.
If the bag is floating, weigh it down with a wet towel or use one of these sous vide sinker weights (makes it super easy).
Cover your cutting board in plastic wrap to avoid staining it. I use a black cutting board to avoid staining.
If you don't want to peel the beets beforehand, you can cook them with the peel on and peel them after (it makes it a lot easier to peel, but the flavor from the vinegar and honey won't be able to penetrate the skin).